środa, 31 października 2012

Bruder Klaus Field Chapel / Peter Zumthor

"In order to design buildings with a sensuous connection to life, one must think in a way that goes far beyond form and construction.” This quote from  rings true in his design of , where a mystical and thought-proving interior is masked by a very rigid rectangular exterior."


Kamppi Chapel

Kto za tym stoi: K2S Architects Ltd

Trahan Architects - Holy Rosary Church Complex

The design of the Holy Rosary Complex-comprised of an oratory, administrative building, and religious education building-for a rural Catholic Parish in South Louisiana. MORE

Harajuku Church

Tokyo, Japan
Architect Ciel Rouge Creation

The architecture for this Protestant Church is centered by a wide nave arranged with six arches and a bell tower that symbolically lay importance on the seven elements, the seven days of creation, the seven churches of the Orient.


Church of Seed by O Studio Architects

Church of Seed is located at Luofu Mountain Scenery District – one of the seven famous Taoist Mountains in China. 
Architects: O Studio Architects
Location: , Guangdong, 


piątek, 5 października 2012


Mono-stateczność i teatralność projektu a zarazem wrażenie tymczasowości i nieporządku. Autorem projektu jest brytyjski artysta Thomas Heatherwick. Więcej informacji znajdziesz TU


Kaplica w kościele, zbudowany przez rosyjskiego konsorcjum architektonicznego bornhouse w San Stae. Projekt został wzniesiony w kościele  na Biennale w Wenecji.


Architekt: Bunker Arquitectura
Gdzie: w Cuernavaca, na południe od Mexico City